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How to work from home successfully

If you are lucky enough to have the structure of working from home during COVID-19, you’ll appreciate that it is not without its challenges. As we enter week four of lockdown, you might be struggling to stay motivated and retain work/life balance.

And in other news … 11 firms are suspended from the Prompt Payment Code

Defence, military and aerospace firms featured on the list of businesses who have been suspended from the Prompt Payment Code for failing to pay their suppliers on time.

What is the impact of the 2020 budget for Britain’s small businesses?

We look at Chancellor Rishi Sunat’s first budget and what impact this will have on UK SMEs.

Email marketing - still one of the most effective channels

Sending out emails to prospective and current clients can be a little more difficult since GDPR, but it is still one of the most effective marketing channels available to businesses. As well as being low cost, engagement is trackable so you can get a solid ROI on any campaigns.

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