identeco, working with RFA, has implemented a proprietary, contemporary financial health scorecard. It is created based on unique financial rules based on decades of UK macroeconomic insolvency experience, together with a highly sophisticated credit limit calculator.
RFA is one of the UK's leading suppliers of credit scoring and decision-making systems that are built with integrity, using internationally recognised methods for the analysis of financial statements and business attributes, by means of scientifically proven predictive models, delivering realistic credit limits for businesses that meet the minimum criteria of fairtrade credit risk.
Credit scoring is based on the assumption that past experience can be used as a guide in predicting creditworthiness and the process of developing a credit score generally relies on the analysis of historical data and or, the experience of credit risk professionals.
A well-balanced scorecard, such as that built by RFA will predict up to 80% of failures from around 20% of the business universe.
A company report from our Business Support Toolkit will include a financial health rating for you to review and assist your credit decisioning process.
Use this information in conjunction with identeco's Account Monitoring and automated alert service to see how we can put you in the driving seat: making sure you understand your customer's financial stability with up-to-the-minute information on changes to your customers.
For more information about the identeco-RFA credit scoring system, click here or contact us today.