(SEND) GOLDEN THREAD TRAINING LLP (Company No. OC450850) is listed with a Companies House status of Active - Proposal to Strike off, this company was incorporated on 01/02/2024 and has traded for less than a year. The Company is registered as a Limited Liability Partnership with its registered office located at 4 THE MEADS LEIGHTERTON TETBURY GL8 8UW .
Company Number | OC450850 |
Company Category | Limited Liability Partnership |
Company Status | Active - Proposal to Strike off |
Country of Origin | United Kingdom |
Incorporation Date | 01/02/2024 |
Dissolution Date |
Care of | |
PO Box | |
Address Line 1 | 4 THE MEADS |
Address Line 2 | LEIGHTERTON |
Post Town | TETBURY |
County | |
Country | |
Postcode | GL8 8UW |
Google Map | Click here to search for this address on Google Maps |
Accounting Reference Date | 29/2 |
Accounts Next Due Date | 01/11/2025 |
Accounts Last Made Up Date | |
Account Filing Category | NO ACCOUNTS FILED |
Number of Mortgages Charges | 0 |
Number of Mortgages Outstanding | 0 |
Number of Mortgages Part Satisfied | 0 |
Number of Mortgages Satisfied | 0 |
Confirmation Statement Last Made Up Date | |
Confirmation Statement Next Due Date | 14/02/2025 |
Number of General Partners | 0 |
Number of Limited Partners | 0 |
Previous Name 1 | - |
Previous Name 2 | - |
Previous Name 3 | - |
Previous Name 4 | - |
Previous Name 5 | - |
Previous Name 6 | - |
Previous Name 7 | - |
Previous Name 8 | - |
Previous Name 9 | - |
Previous Name 10 | - |
An explanation of SIC classification can be found here.
SIC Code 1 | None Supplied |
SIC Code 2 | |
SIC Code 3 | |
SIC Code 4 |
The information shown on this page contains information which is a matter of public record only (see note below)*.
Further information available in the identeco Business Support Toolkit includes:
*Note to information on this page.
Information about the Open Government Licence can be viewed at: http://www.nationalarchives.gov.uk/doc/open-government-licence/version/2/
For further information on Companies House public company register visit the government website: https://www.gov.uk/government/collections/companies-house-guidance-for-limited-companies-partnerships-and-other-company-types