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MARKET RESEARCH REPORTS Understand any market with our detailed market research reports

Gain in-depth understanding of any sector or industry

Market Research Reports

If you are looking to expand into new industry sectors, increase your share of existing markets or identify potential acquisition targets, identeco can help.

Our invaluable market research reports can guide your business decisions by providing you with information about the size of markets and the companies operating within a target sector, so you can explore potential opportunities. We provide information about companies operating in similar fields, within the same locality and allow you to scope out the competition you will face when branching out into a new sector or understand how and where you can make gains in existing markets, as well as identifying potential new customers, suppliers or business partners.

Make sure that you have all the company information you need to research business markets thoroughly, allowing you to make informed decisions about the next steps when expanding your business and ensuring that you don't miss out on potential growth opportunities.

Explore new business markets

Discover established companies operating in any sector

Identify potential competitors

Filter by sector, region, size, financial stability, and assets

Improve ROI

Reduce wasted marketing costs and improve conversion rate

Identify new suppliers and customers

Identify the best suppliers to the sector


Screened daily for up-to-date contacts that can be relied on

identeco provides two levels of market research reports

Each report provides details of the overall size of the target market from a range of SIC codes enabling you to refine the search criteria within parameters. Whilst offering the ability to add specific keywords to improve target identification and allowing you to search by location if this is specific to the markets you are looking to operate in.

Report features Market Research Report Market Research Full Report
Details of the size of the market
Top 20 customers operating in the target sector by turnover
Turnover of the top 20 in relation to the market as a whole
Asset value of top 20
Discover how mature the market is and the established players
View new entrants to the market with top 20 newly incorporated companies
Up to 10 years of accounts analysis for all identified companies
Details of shareholders and subscribers
Number and average age of directors
Keep your data up to date and receive alerts on all listed companies for 12 months

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