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PROBATE SEARCHES Access probate details for any will in England and Wales

Reliable, discreet, and accurate information

Probate and Will Search

Our experienced team of search agents can help you find a will or grant representation (probate) for anyone that died during or after 1858, in England and Wales. With access to the Probate Registry, identeco can validate and confirm the details of deceased estates providing exact copies of all original filed documentation. In most cases, this will include the registered will and the appointed executors.

Our report will verify the confirmed deceased date, the date upon which probate was granted and the probate number assigned, as well as the registry where the grant and will is held.

Providing a fast and confidential service, our order process is simple; all we need is the full name of the deceased, an exact or approximate date of death and last known address or area. If you don't have these details, our service is flexible and our trained search agents are able to work with minimal information. Order online today for delivery by email within 48 hours.


Validated details and confirmation of deceased estates

Fuss free

Flexible service, able to work with minimum detail

Fast and confidential

Validated information returned within 48 hours

What our customers say